Innerstellar Pilates & Yoga

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The unsexy truth about healing chronic pain

It’s not sexy, but it is true: consistency in showing up for your movement practice is where the magic happens.

Look, we get it. Being consistent with self-care is advanced sadhana for all but the extremely privileged and disciplined few.

And honestly it’s not your fault.

Internalized capitalism is a real b*tch, and is constantly telling us that if we’re not productive, we’re not valuable or worthy.

And then there’s the patriarchy and systemic racism, both of which require groups with certain identities to have to work that much harder just to get by.

And even if you have a ton of privilege and access, it can STILL be really hard to be consistent in taking time for yourself for a myriad of logistical, psychological and societal reasons.

But here’s the thing…

Consistency in your movement practice breeds self-respect, self-knowledge, and self-compassion… and is the SPRINGBOARD for taking your body intelligence to the next level.

It is WORTH the discomfort of breaking society’s rules (or family rules or gender rules) about how to be a good contributor.

It is WORTH the discomfort of learning to set boundaries and hold yourself accountable to your dreams for how you want to spend your time and live your life.

It is worth it because YOU are worth it.

Your value is LIMITLESS. And your physical, mental, and spiritual health are important.

We’re not talking about endless hours here - we know your life is busy. The key is to do what you CAN do in a way that honors the chapter of your life that you’re in.

That will look different for each of us - and it will look different for you than it looked 3 years ago or 30 years ago.

So it’s not actually about what you do for your self-care or how long you do it for each day (or even if you do it every day or not).

It’s about how you are paying attention, how you are talking to yourself, how you are responding in the moment to the voice of your body as it tells you what it wants and needs.

If this resonates with you, we’d love to invite you to learn more about Movement Medicine: The 12-Week Chronic Pain Freedom Lab.

If you feel a tug at your heart, email us and ask us for all the info!