Innerstellar Pilates & Yoga

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How Adelle found her voice and got brave with her words (while also pivoting her career, reducing burnout, and increasing her income)

“I found my love for Pilates during the summer of 2018 when I was recovering from a serious shoulder sprain - Pilates was the only form of movement I could do that didn’t aggravate my injury.

“In 2019, I was experiencing burnout as a full-time Clinical Massage Therapist, and I was looking for a way to bolster my income while reducing my massage hours.

I had a moment during class one day where I knew I wanted to learn how to teach Pilates. 

“But I’ve always had a fear of talking to large groups of people, and I hated being the center of attention.

“I took the leap and joined the Innercore Pilates Teacher Training, where I learned how to step into the role of teacher by gaining confidence in my knowledge.

“Becoming a Pilates instructor has allowed me to find my voice and become more brave in my self expression through words.

“I’ve also found easy ways to incorporate Pilates movement into my everyday life. I call them "Pilates snacks:" just 20 minutes in the morning, and 20 minutes while watching TV or waiting for the oven to preheat!”
-Adelle Hintz, Innercore Pilates Teacher Training Graduate and Innerstellar Pilates Teacher

If you’ve experienced the steady confidence and deep, embodied knowledge that Adelle brings to her Pilates classes at Innerstellar, you wouldn’t have guessed that she struggled with a fear of standing at the front of the room and using her voice as recently as 2019.

But that’s the kind of personal growth that the Innercore Pilates Teacher Training can catalyze.

Becoming a Pilates teacher is a career move for SURE - but the journey of becoming a TEACHER is also a journey of facing fears and shifting identities.

It’s powerful stuff.

If you are experiencing burnout and looking for a more sustainable career choice with tons of flexibility (like Adelle was in 2019) AND you’re here for the personal transformation, we invite you to check out the Innercore Pilates Teacher Training.

And if you haven’t experienced Adelle’s teaching, click here to book a Reformer class - she teaches on Wednesdays and Fridays at 11AM & 12:15PM!

With Love,
The Innerstellar Team

P.S. The Innercore Pilates Teacher Training starts April 10th!

You’ll find all the details right here, but if you’ve got lingering questions, hit reply and ask! Innerstellar’s Operations Manager and the Innercore Program Director Tess Clabby (they/them) will get back to you within 48 hours, Monday-Thursday.