Minimum of 20 total hours of Pilates instruction on the mat or equipment. Can be completed online or in person. Proof of attendance required.
Attendance Policy:
100% attendance of the training hours is required (in addition to the other reading. online curriculum, and class attendance requirements) in order to receive a Certificate of Completion and be eligible for internationally recognized Pilates Instructor Certification via the Pilates Method Alliance. For missed training hours, makeup sessions will be offered at the rate of $250 per hour per person. Price subject to change. Inquire at the front desk for more details.
In addition to the in-person training hours, included in your tuition is lifetime access and any future updates to the Innercore Pilates Teacher Training Online Curriculum including 20+ hours of prerecorded online trainings on Anatomy, Pilates Pedagogical Skills, Perinatal Fitness and more. Additionally you’ll receive a digital copy of our Innercore Pilates Teacher Training manual as well as the printed Balanced Body Equipment “Consumer” Manuals for Mat, Reformer, Trapeze Table, Barrels, and Wunda Chair (total value over $2000)
At the culmination of the Innercore Pilates Teacher Training Course (taught over 3.5 weeks and totaling 108+ hours), graduates receive a certificate of completion and can obtain paid work as a Pilates Teacher right away at Innerstellar or at gyms, studios, hotels and spas around the world.
If they choose, additionally they can complete their “Apprentice Hours” so they can become a fully Certified Pilates Instructor, internationally recognized by the Pilates Method Alliance. Those Apprentice Hours and requirements include:
Upon successful completion of the above requirements, they will receive an Assessment-Based Certificate from Innerstellar, and can opt to take the Pilates Method Alliance Certification Exam in order to become a PMA-Certified Pilates Instructor.
Investment OPTIONS:
There are two tiers of investment, depending on how much time you want to spend on your training hours:
OPTION #1: The Gold Teacher Tier, which includes all in-person training hours as well as self-paced online learning modules)
$6K Pay-in-Full (best value) EARLY BIRD PAY-IN- FULL AVAILABLE NOW: only $5200 - enter BIRD800 at checkout
$1111 x 6 with a payment plan EARLY BIRD PAYMENT PLAN AVAILABLE NOW: only $311 initial deposit plus 5 installments at $1111 each - enter BIRD800 at checkout
OPTION #2: The Platinum Apprentice Tier, which includes all contact hours, online learning AND unlimited self-practice and observation hours at the studio during the teacher training term PLUS 6 months in our Prepare for Your Pilates Instructor Certification Program, which features unlimited self-practice hours and observation hours at the studio plus a monthly group coaching call that we call The Confident Pilates Instructor Mentorship (total value $2700+)
There are no scholarships available at this time. but extended payment plan options may be available. Email us to inquire.