The Art of Joyful Presence

The Art of Joyful Presence

“You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings.”

​-Elizabeth Gilbert

We live in a world that is constantly distracting us from the present moment. This is partly self-inflicted, but it creates a consistent challenge to remain present. It takes an ongoing practice to show up in the here and now. It's not always glamorous and doesn't always feel great, but it's the only chance we have at experiencing being fully alive.

And I am always practicing. When I pick my daughter up from school, I take a conscious breath. I see her. I look at her eyes. I look at her posture. I listen. I notice that when she knows I am truly listening and paying attention, her eyes sparkle a bit brighter and she smiles more easily.

When my thoughts rush in with the "to do" list, I pause, take a breath, and start over.

Look. Listen. Feel. See. Be here.

The more present I am the more present and aware my students are.  Meditation helps-- just being quiet. Having a teacher, coach, or therapist can help clear the personal stories that you may not be fully aware of. Telling the truth. Dancing helps, movement helps, breathing helps, playing helps, laughing helps, holding hands and being surrounded by nature always helps.

I don't want to miss life as it is happening so I practice pausing, listening, breathing  in many moments of my day.  When I am teaching I find these tools vital. Our lives are miracles, and there is joy in relentlessly participating in its creation.

With love,


BlogAllison Michele