Why Your Whole Household Benefits When You Get Out of Pain

Pain inevitably comes out sideways at everyone around us. When we can’t move the way we want, we get salty, frustrated, and brittle. 

The people you work with, live with, and socialize with may only know your PAIN PERSONALITY, which can make you snap at the littles lifting their arms to be picked up, crumple your face in discomfort on your next Zoom meeting, and squeeze your eyes shut simply trying to make it through a bit of light conversation at the grocery store.

If you’re acquainted with chronic pain, you know this to heart.

It can feel impossible to be a supportive activist, upbeat parent, or creative team member when your hips ache, your low back burns, and your tight shoulders seize up. Chronic pain hijacks your brain and heart as much as it does your body.

If pain makes you a hermit and shrinks your ability to take up the space you deserve, then MOVEMENT MEDICINE gets you out of your cave, and helps you BEFRIEND YOUR BODY again (because chronic pain can feel like the biggest body betrayal ever.)

Intentional breath coupled with targeted and gentle movement counteracts destructive old patterns, decreases your pain, and helps you decode your body’s language. 

The result? You SHINE YOUR LIGHT, GENIUS, AND GIFTS into the world again.

Ready to shine?

The best way to get started is with a Back in Action Pilates Assessment.

Click here to reserve your spot!

With Love,
The Innerstellar Team

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