Your Home is THE BEST Place to Practice Restorative Yoga

Yes, your home is the only place you can practice yoga right now, so maybe it feels unremarkable.

But the truth is, we are STOKED to be able to bring you a luxurious restorative yoga experience with emiko this Sunday in the livestream format.

Restorative yoga can help you downregulate your nervous system and bring you into such a deep state of relaxation that getting in your car to drive home is THE LAST thing you want to do when it’s over. Driving requires you to dial up your nervous system at least a little - so you can pay attention and stay safe. That’s not usually a bad thing, but after a serious nervous system dial-down, you’ll get more benefits if you can stay in a state of deep relaxation for longer.

After emiko guides you through a 90-minute practice, you’ll be able to rest in savasana for as long as you want. Then you can stay in deep relaxation mode as you make your way to your dinner table, or to snuggle with your loved ones, or even straight to bed. (We’ve definitely had some 6pm bedtimes in this pandemic.)

This Sunday at 4:30 pm PST (AND EVERY FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE MONTH!!) emiko will talk you through:

  • A brief meditation to help you start off your week feeling mindful, spacious, and calm

  • Easeful restorative poses to help nourish your soul even when the world feels unstable and chaotic

  • Self-massage techniques to release tension in your head, neck, jaw and shoulders.

Unwind is free for members, and $35 for the public. We’ll have to cap the roster, so sign up now to reserve your spot!

Natalia Rose