You’ve got to feel it to heal it

“Proprioception” is often defined as “the ability to feel your body in space.”

And while it’s true that being able to sense your different body parts in relation to each other and the space you’re in is a part of it, proprioception is so much more than that.

It’s also your ability to feel and release tension, effort level, coordination, engagement, weakness, and so much more.

And we’ve got a saying at Innerstellar: You’ve got to feel it to heal it.

That means that developing your proprioception - especially in weak or injured parts of your body - is THE number 1 key to healing your pain.

Unfortunately, proprioception naturally decreases with age.

It also decreases with injury and chronic pain. It’s your body’s coping mechanism: feeling constant pain sucks away all your attention and makes it impossible to get anything done - so your body shuts down your ability to feel areas that tend to be in pain.

That’s why if you have low back pain or an S.I. Joint injury, you might not be able to feel much in your pelvic floor. Or if you’ve got chronic neck and shoulder tension, your upper back might feel shut down.

But you can’t numb sensations selectively. So while this coping mechanism is effective in the short term, in the long term it interferes with your ability to use your movement practice to get to the root of the problem.

Don’t worry - there IS a way to improve your proprioception and keep it sharp as you age - and our expert Pilates teachers can show you how to do it in an accessible way.

The best way to get started is with a Back in Action Pilates Assessment.

You’ll work one-on-one with a friendly and knowledgeable movement expert, who will help you develop a personalized plan to help get you moving and feeling again - WITHOUT hitting overwhelm or tweaking your injuries.

Book a Back in Action!

With Love,
The Innerstellar Team

P.S. Need a teacher recommendation? Email us and tell us a bit about your injuries and when you’re available throughout the week, and we’ll be happy to offer a recommendation!
OR give us a call anytime at (510)649-1976. If we don’t pick up, leave a voicemail and a member of our Client Concierge team will get back to you within 48 hours, Monday through Friday.

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