And here’s what the curriculum looks like:

Week 1: Set Yourself Up for Success

Week 2: The Rule of 4 (This is why you’re in pain)

Week 3: Processes for Tracking Pleasure and Pain

Week 4: Integration Week

Week 5: Upleveling Your Practice & Discerning Healing vs. Harming

Week 6: The Formula for Change

Week 7: What to Do When you Backslide or Reinjure Yourself

Week 8: Integration Week

Week 9: Growing Your Heart & Filling Your Bucket

Week 10: Meaning-Making, Body Portrait, and Listening to Your Inner Wisdom

Week 11: Completing this Self-Care Chapter

Week 12: Integration Week

We’ve built in integration weeks each month to give you time to catch up as well as REST. (Because actually, rest is one of the KEYS to healing your pain.)